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E3 To E7 And C Upper And Lower Link Block, Meltham Mills Industrial Estate, Meltham Mills Road, Meltham, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, HD9 4AR



Previous rateable value (14 November 2019 to 6 August 2023)


This was the rateable value for the property. It is not what you would have paid in business rates or rent. Your local council uses the rateable value to calculate the business rates bill.

Estimate your business rates bill

Valuations for this property

Valuations Help with Valuations Effective date Help with Effective date Rateable value
CURRENT 7 August 2023 to present 1 April 2023 £131,000
PREVIOUS 1 April 2023 to 6 August 2023 1 April 2023 £132,000
PREVIOUS 7 August 2023 to 31 March 2023 14 November 2019 £97,000
PREVIOUS 20 March 2020 to 6 August 2023 14 November 2019 £97,500

Valuation details

Description Help with Description
Factory and premises
Local council
Local council reference Help with Local council reference
Rating list Help with Rating list
Effective date Help with Effective date
14 November 2019
List alteration date Help with List alteration date
20 March 2020
Valuation scheme reference Help with Valuation scheme reference
Base rate Help with Base rate
Measurement method Help with Measurement method
Gross internal area
Transitional relief certificate issued Help with Transitional relief certificate issued
Special category code Help with Special category code

How the rateable value is calculated

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) uses a ‘rental’ method to value industrial properties like factories, warehouses and workshops.

The VOA gathers information about rents paid for industrial properties. It analyses the information and works out a price per square metre. To get the price per square metre of an individual property, the VOA considers things like property age, location, physical characteristics and features.

The price per square metre is multiplied by the property floor area to get the rateable value.

Plant and machinery, car parking and land that add to the rateable value are shown separately in the valuation.

This property is part of valuation scheme 342607 which includes a price for floor areas and property features.

More about how business properties are valued

Factory floor areas
Description Area m²/unit £ per m²/unit Value Help with Value
Ground floor workshop 450.7 £13.57 £6,116
Ground floor workshop 348.8 £12.33 £4,301
Ground floor workshop 3,205.9 £13.57 £43,504
Ground floor office 86.2 £14.54 £1,253
Mezzanine floor internal storage 87.8 £6.78 £595
Ground floor office 42.8 £14.54 £622
Ground floor office 71.8 £14.54 £1,044
First floor office 61.6 £14.54 £896
Mezzanine floor internal storage 27 £2.71 £73
Mezzanine floor internal storage 29.1 £6.10 £178
Ground floor office 213.8 £16.70 £3,570
Lower ground floor warehouse 438.9 £8.79 £3,858
Ground floor workshop 96 £13.28 £1,275
Ground floor canteen 100.1 £16.26 £1,628
Ground floor office 41.5 £17.12 £710
Ground floor warehouse 297.4 £15.17 £4,512
Lower ground floor warehouse 865.27 £7.82 £6,766
Lower ground floor internal storage 40.99 £7.45 £305
Lower ground floor internal storage 31.2 £6.93 £216
Ground floor warehouse 927.3 £10.43 £9,672
Lower ground floor warehouse 351.6 £9.04 £3,178
Lower ground floor warehouse 262.8 £8.59 £2,257
Total 8,078.56 £96,529
Plant and machinery
Description Value Help with Value
Plant and machinery £1,132
Total £1,132
Total value £97,661
Rateable value (rounded down) £97,500
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Help with previous valuation

You want to change something in this valuation

You can no longer tell the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) about changes to property details (by sending a Check case) for any valuations on the 2017 rating list.

You can tell the VOA you think the rateable value was too high by sending a Challenge case. You must have sent a Check case before 1 April 2023 and (any of these apply):

  • you send the Challenge case within 4 months of the Check case decision
  • you have waited more than 12 months and not received a Check case decision
  • the Challenge case is about a change in the local area (such as long-term roadworks), you send it within 16 months of sending the Check case and you have received our Check case decision

You can also tell the VOA you think the rateable value was too high if (any of these apply):

  • the VOA have altered this valuation in the last 6 months
  • a court decision affected this property’s rateable value

You need a business rates valuation account to tell the VOA yourself or appoint an agent to do it for you.

Sign in or register for an account

How to use a business rates valuation account

How the rateable value is calculated

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) uses a ‘rental’ method to value industrial properties like factories, warehouses and workshops.

The VOA gathers information about rents paid for industrial properties. It analyses the information and works out a price per square metre. To get the price per square metre of an individual property, the VOA considers things like property age, location, physical characteristics and features.

The price per square metre is multiplied by the property floor area to get the rateable value.

Plant and machinery, car parking and land that add to the rateable value are shown separately in the valuation.

This property is part of valuation scheme 342607 which includes a price for floor areas and property features.

More about how business properties are valued

The rateable value and your business rates bill

£97,500 is the rateable value for this property set by the Valuation Office Agency.

It is not what you pay in business rates or rent. Your local council uses the rateable value to calculate your business rates bill.

Business rates are used to partly fund local council services.

Estimate your business rates bill

You may also be entitled to business rates relief.

Business rates relief

Some properties are eligible for discounts from the local council on their business rates. You have to contact your local council to see if you’re eligible and apply.

More about business rates relief

Contact your local council

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  • rateable value calculations
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