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The VOA have temporarily suspended Rateable Value Experts and Re-Rates UK while we investigate a potential serious breach of our agent standards.
The VOA will not work with these agents during this suspension.

This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it.

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Your property

Address 9, Minster Way, Slough, SL3 7EY
Local council reference 00500350009009

Properties to compare yours with

Your property and the ones shown are in valuation scheme 317165. Valuation schemes group similar properties together.

Address Description Total area m²/unit Rateable value
8, Chalvey Road West, Slough, SL1 2PN Shop and premises 65.93 £9,500
1, Chalvey Road West, Slough, SL1 2NF Shop and premises 35.1 £4,500
41, Chalvey Road East, Slough, SL1 2LN Shop and premises 55 £7,200
39, Chalvey Road East, Slough, SL1 2LN Shop and premises 49.4 £8,200
31, Chalvey Road East, Slough, SL1 2LN Shop and premises 125.7 £11,500
29, Chalvey Road East, Slough, SL1 2LN Shop and premises 79.2 £8,900
21, Chalvey Road East, Slough, SL1 2LN Shop and premises 75.6 £8,600
164, Burnham Lane, Slough, SL1 6LE Shop and premises 72.1 £10,000
162, Burnham Lane, Slough, SL1 6LE Shop and premises 82.2 £10,250
9, Belgrave Parade, Bradley Road, Slough, SL1 3PR Shop and premises 69.1 £8,900
16, Baylis Parade, Slough, SL1 3LF Shop and premises 67.68 £10,750
14, Baylis Parade, Slough, SL1 3LF Shop and premises 49 £9,500
10, Anslow Place, Slough, SL1 6EA Shop and premises 61.1 £8,000
11, Anslow Place, Slough, SL1 6EA Shop and premises 51.6 £6,300
12, Anslow Place, Slough, SL1 6EA Shop and premises 64.8 £7,000
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