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Address Towndoor Ltd, Estate Office Gate 7, Meltham Mills Industrial Estate, Meltham Mills Road, Meltham, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, HD9 4AR
Local council reference 37290200167

Properties to compare yours with

Your property and the ones shown are in valuation scheme 313751. Valuation schemes group similar properties together.

Address Description Total area m²/unit Rateable value
22 A, Newsome Road, Huddersfield, HD4 6NY Offices and premises 32 £3,350
9 A, New Street, Milnsbridge, Huddersfield, HD3 4LN Offices and premises 45 £4,550
Fdy Ltd Unit A Lhs, Reins Mill, Reins, Honley, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, HD9 6NB Offices and premises 46.8 £3,350
Office 3 & 4 1st Flr 71, New North Road, Huddersfield, HD1 5ND Offices and premises 33.31 £3,600
Unit 17, Heritage Exchange, Wellington Mills, Plover Road, Huddersfield, HD3 3HR Offices and premises 180.11 £17,250
The Castle 1, The Village, Holme, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, HD9 2QG Offices and premises 258.2 £18,500
Room 2 At 156, Cowlersley Lane, Cowlersley, Huddersfield, HD4 5UX Offices and premises 25 £2,600
Room 4 At 156, Cowlersley Lane, Cowlersley, Huddersfield, HD4 5UX Offices and premises 25 £2,600
Room 6 At 156, Cowlersley Lane, Cowlersley, Huddersfield, HD4 5UX Offices and premises 25 £2,600
Room 18 At 156, Cowlersley Lane, Cowlersley, Huddersfield, HD4 5UX Offices and premises 25 £2,600
Room 20 At 156, Cowlersley Lane, Cowlersley, Huddersfield, HD4 5UX Offices and premises 25 £2,600
Room 22 At 156, Cowlersley Lane, Cowlersley, Huddersfield, HD4 5UX Offices and premises 25 £2,600
2 Nd Floor Office And Store 156, Trinity Street, Huddersfield, HD1 4DX Hairdressing salon and premises 135.31 £8,600
Office 3, Bay Hall, Huddersfield, HD1 5EJ Offices and premises 33.75 £3,500
Office 4 1st Flr, Bay Hall, Huddersfield, HD1 5EJ Offices and premises 16.14 £1,675
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