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The VOA have temporarily suspended Rateable Value Experts and Re-Rates UK while we investigate a potential serious breach of our agent standards.
The VOA will not work with these agents during this suspension.

This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it.

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Address Unit D9b, Meltham Mills Industrial Estate, Knowle Lane, Meltham, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, HD9 4AR
Local council reference 37290090099

Properties to compare yours with

Your property and the ones shown are in valuation scheme 369579. Valuation schemes group similar properties together.

Address Description Total area m²/unit Rateable value
Compound, Greenhill Mills, Grange Road, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 6LH Land used for storage and premises 662.1 £2,750
Unit 4, Calder Trading Estate, Leeds Road, Huddersfield, HD5 0RX Land used for storage and premises 298.3 £3,550
Stubley Lane Works, Burnley Road, Todmorden, Lancs, OL14 7EF Land used for storage and premises 895.59 £3,550
High Level Works, Pellon Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX1 4PZ Land used for storage and premises 336.75 £940
Land R/o New Delight Works, Mill Lane, Boothtown, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 6TU Land used for storage and premises 360.5 £2,275
Northern Commercials, Sherwood House, Armytage Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire, HD6 1QF Land used for storage and premises 4,042.7 £25,000
The Compound, Colne Vale Business Park, Colne Vale Road, Huddersfield, HD3 4NY Land used for storage and premises 622 £3,700
Unit 1, Colne Bridge Works, Colne Bridge Road, Huddersfield, HD5 0RH Land used for storage and premises 210 £4,150
Unit 2, Colne Bridge Works, Colne Bridge Road, Huddersfield, HD5 0RH Land used for storage and premises 2,700 £15,250
Ark Pallets The Sidings, Holdsworth Road, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 6SN Land used for storage and premises 903.7 £7,400
Thornton Breakers The Sidings, Holdsworth Road, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 6SN Land used for storage and premises 708.4 £8,100
Secure Yard, Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Huddersfield, HD1 6AS Land used for storage and premises 369.16 £4,600
Ogden Caravan Storage, Keighley Road, Ogden, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX2 8XD Land used for storage and premises 4,389.6 £9,200
Lhs Secured Car Park, Bankfield Business Park, Huddersfield Road, Mirfield, West Yorkshire, WF14 9DD Land used for storage and premises 717.5 £3,400
Rhs Secured Car Park, Bankfield Business Park, Huddersfield Road, Mirfield, West Yorkshire, WF14 9DD Land used for storage and premises 840 £4,000
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