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The VOA have temporarily suspended Rateable Value Experts and Re-Rates UK while we investigate a potential serious breach of our agent standards.
The VOA will not work with these agents during this suspension.
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Your property

Address Sainsburys Gnd Flr 141-145, Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7NE
Local council reference 00948014114516

Properties to compare yours with

Your property and the ones shown are in valuation scheme 627815. Valuation schemes group similar properties together.

Address Description Total area m²/unit Rateable value
Temp Marquee Store At Morrisons, Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8EH Shop and premises 1,325 £302,500
9, Kings Mall, King Street, London, W6 0PZ Shop and premises 1,697.71 £355,000
Sainburys Local 50, Celebration Avenue, London, E20 1DB Shop and premises 796.95 £282,500
Lidl 4, Claps Gate Lane, London, E6 6LG Shop and premises 1,797.33 £395,000
Waitrose Below Verde Buiding 10, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DU Shop and premises 1,163.98 £492,500
Pt Bst & Gnd F 158-164, Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4LX Shop and premises 2,310.6 £1,140,000
Pt Bst & Pt Gnd F 78, Cheapside, London, EC2V 6EE Shop and premises 1,665 £670,000
15 -17, Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 1AZ Shop and premises 1,700 £895,000
Sainsburys 129, Kingsway, London, WC2B 6NH Shop and premises 2,028.65 £1,070,000
Sainsburys Gnd Flr 141-145, Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7NE Shop and premises 1,977 £900,000
199 -201, Haverstock Hill, London, NW3 2BA Shop and premises 1,213 £432,500
466 -490, Edgware Road, London, W2 1EJ Shop and premises 873.33 £287,500
512 -516, Harrow Road, London, W9 3QA Shop and premises 749.3 £165,000
Bst And Grd Flr 18-24, Warwick Way, London, SW1V 1RX Shop and premises 922.17 £202,000
138 -144, Queensway, London, W2 6LY Shop and premises 928.47 £375,000
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