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Address Unit 3 Penderyn House 50-54, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1LZ
Local council reference 1127360050308

Properties to compare yours with

Your property and the ones shown are in valuation scheme 615105. Valuation schemes group similar properties together.

Address Description Total area m²/unit Rateable value
30 -32, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1JR Bank and premises 342.66 £23,750
Units 4 & 5, Riverside Walk, Port Talbot, SA13 1PH Shop and premises 393 £27,000
125, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1NR Shop and premises 150.11 £14,250
49, Forge Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1PG Shop and premises 117.6 £7,800
51, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1NW Shop and premises 87.45 £8,600
Unit 1 Penderyn House 50-54, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1LZ Shop and premises 153.08 £14,500
Unit 2 Penderyn House 50-54, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1LZ Shop and premises 155.94 £15,750
62 B, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1LZ Shop and premises 26.5 £4,550
Unit 2, Riverside Walk, Port Talbot, SA13 1PH Offices and premises 56.4 £7,500
21, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1NN Shop and premises 164.6 £8,000
8, Forge Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1NU Veterinary surgery 76.1 £9,000
56, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1LZ Betting office and premises 114.8 £11,000
Gnd Flr Front 57, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1NW Shop and premises 59.08 £6,600
24, Forge Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1NU Offices and premises 53.3 £5,400
58, Forge Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1PF Shop and premises 114.84 £5,400
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