Search results for LS15 8JF

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Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results
Last updated on 4 September 2024
Address Council Tax band Local Authority
1A THE BUNGALOWS, Leeds, LS15 8JF A Leeds
1 THE BUNGALOWS, Leeds, LS15 8JF A Leeds
1 THE BUNGALOWS, Leeds, LS15 8JF Deleted Leeds
3 THE BUNGALOWS, Leeds, LS15 8JF B Leeds
5 THE BUNGALOWS, Leeds, LS15 8JF B Leeds
7 THE BUNGALOWS, Leeds, LS15 8JF E Leeds
7 THE BUNGALOWS, Leeds, LS15 8JF Deleted Leeds
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Contact your local council if you still cannot find your property. They will provide the Valuation Office Agency with the information they need to allocate a Council Tax band.

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