- Registered fair rent
- £482.00 per cal month
- Services
- £102.70 per Cal Month
- Uncapped rent (for information only)
- £0.00
- Exempt from maximum fair rent
- No
- Registered on
- 9 July 2012
- Registered by
- unknown
- Effective from
- 11 July 2012
- Registration area
- Islington
- Property description
- Self-contained Studio, C 1800-1918; full central heating comprising :-, First floor: 1 Room(s),1 Shower-Room/WC
- Amount of fuel charge (excluding heating and lighting of common parts) not counting for rent allowance
- £52.53
- Application made by
- Landlord
- Application received on
- 28 May 2012
- Remarks
- The rent is exclusive of council tax. For information only, uncapped rent was £630.00 per Cal Month
Previous registration
- Previous registration dated
- 1 July 2010
- Previous registration effective from
- 11 July 2010
- Previous registration number
- R14599252
- Tenancy commenced on
- 1998
- Term of tenancy
- Month to month
- Council tax paid to local authority by
- Tenant
- Water rates paid to water company by
- Landlord
- Services provided by the landlord
- As per schedule in possession of the rent officer
- Furniture provided by landlord
- As per details held by the rent officer.
- Other terms of tenancy taken into consideration in determining the fair rent
- None
- Rental period
- Cal Month
- Allocation of liability repairs
- Landlord responsible for repairs and external decorations. Tenant responsible for internal decorations. - Subject to Section 11 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985
- Landlord
- Richworth Ltd
- Landlord’s address
- 151 Whitechapel Road London E1 1DN
- Landlord’s agent
- None
- Landlord’s agent’s address
- Not applicable
- Tenant
- Mrs C M Dunne
- Tenant’s address (if different from property)
- None
A certified copy of this entry in the register of fair rents may be obtained from the rent officer on payment of the prescribed fee.