After I have registered and enrolled as a warehousekeeper for EMCS how do I give access rights to my warehouse?
Once you have registered and enrolled at warehouskeeper level you can then
give access rights to each of your warehouses. You can do this as follows:
Setting up different users in an organisation to use EMCS
The first person from an organisation to register with HMRC Online Services is
an Administrator with full access rights to manage their Online Service
Organisation account. This person can add other members of their organisation
onto the service either as a fellow Administrator (peer) with the same rights
to access and manage online services, or as an Assistant with a restricted
subset of access rights.
You can set up 'Administrators' and 'Assistants' by visiting the Government
Gateway and following either the 'Manage Administrators' or 'Manage
Assistants' link and complete the on screen instructions.
Please note: You can only set up Administrators and Assistants on the
Government Gateway.