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Cwestiynau a Ofynnir yn Aml
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Cwestiynau a Ofynnir yn Aml
Yn ôl i
Reverse Charge Sales List (RCSL) FAQs
How will I know HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has received the RCSL?
Can I re-send the same RCSL?
How can I check if my client still has an RCSL to send?
How do I start using the RCSL Service?
How do I submit my RCSL?
Can I submit my RCSL as an XML file?
How often do I have to submit a RCSL?
What if I do not make any reverse charge sales in the period?
Do I need to notify HMRC if I have ceased making supplies of goods subject to the reverse charge?
Do I have to tell HMRC if I recommence supplying goods subject to the reverse charge?
Can I amend an RCSL online after I've submitted it?