I currently have separate Government Gateway online accounts (User IDs ) for my business taxes. Can I move my taxes under one User ID so they all show on my Business Tax Dashboard?
Yes, but you need to consider the following important points before you decide to move your online services:
you can only use a Business Tax Dashboard from a User ID that contains a Corporation Tax or Self Assessment online service
a dashboard can only contain up to three taxes, for example Corporation Tax or Self Assessment, PAYE for Employers and VAT. You may still need to have more than one User ID if, for example your business has more than one PAYE scheme
make sure you finish and send any returns you've part completed before you move a service or your data may be lost
- depending on the services you are moving you may need to wait for an activation code to arrive in the post. This will be issued within 7 days and may take up to 10 days for you to receive it or up to 21 days if you live abroad. If you are close to a deadline you should complete and send your return before you move your services
if you have set up other users for the services you are moving you will need to set them up again once you have enrolled for the service under the new User ID
if you have enrolled for the Self Assessment online service as an individual and are also enrolled for the VAT and/or PAYE online service under a different User ID, you won't be able to create a dashboard that shows all three business taxes. If you want your dashboard to show all three, you will need to de-enrol your Self Assessment individual online service and enrol for the service again using your VAT/PAYE User ID
Further information on how to move your online services under one User ID can be found in the FAQ: How do I move my online services into one Government Gateway online account (User ID) so that I can see them all on my Business Tax Dashboard?