HM Revenue & Customs

Flat Rate Scheme

If your VAT taxable turnover is less than £150,000, you could simplify your VAT accounting by calculating your VAT payments as a percentage of your total VAT-inclusive turnover. Although you can't reclaim VAT on purchases - it's taken into account in calculating the flat rate percentage - the Flat Rate Scheme can reduce the time that you need to spend on accounting for and working out your VAT. Even though you still need to show a VAT amount on each sales invoice, you don't need to record how much VAT you charge on every sale in your accounts. Nor do you need to record the VAT you pay on every purchase.

If you're newly VAT registered you can reduce your flat rate by 1% until the day before the first anniversary of your VAT registration.

You can't join the Flat Rate Scheme if:

You can get more information about the VAT Flat Rate Scheme on the GOV.UK