Contributing to a child's upkeep
To work out how much you will be contributing to your child's upkeep, you need
to include any money you'll contribute. But other contributions count as well.
You'll also need to include the value of things such as:
birthday and Christmas presents
pocket money
It doesn’t matter if you're going to make your contributions weekly, monthly
or in a lump sum to cover a set period.
You need to work out how much you are going to contribute, then work out how
much this is each week. You may find the example below helpful.
You're going abroad temporarily for six months. You're going to give £100 a
month to the person your child's staying with, to cover their keep while
you're away. You work out the weekly amount as follows:
£100 x 12 ÷ 52 = a contribution of £23.08 a week