Payments direct into an account while you are away
The Child Benefit Office can pay your Child Benefit into a bank, building
society or Post Office® card account while you are away. But the account must
be in the UK.
Finding out how much is paid into the account
The Child Benefit Office will tell you when the first payment will be made,
and how much it is for. You can check your Child Benefit payments on your
account statements. On some statements your Child Benefit Number may be shown
next to the payments you have received. If you think your payment is wrong,
please contact the Child Benefit Office.
If not enough money is paid into the account
The Child Benefit Office will either make another payment, or add the money
they owe to your next payment. They will contact you to let you know what they
are going to do.
If too much money is paid into the account
For example, this could happen if you give the Child Benefit Office
information which means you are entitled to less money. If they do not have
time to change your regular payment, you may get too much, and you will have
to pay back the extra money that you were not entitled to. The Child Benefit
Office will always contact you if this happens.