Other subjects
Tick the box if your question relates to another VAT subject. Examples of other subjects are:
- Business/non business activities
- Chargable rate of VAT/liability of goods and services
- DIY Housebuilders Scheme/self build
- Imports/Exports (the supply of goods to or receipt of goods from outside the EU)
- Importing vehicles into the UK - Notification of Vehicle Arrivals (NOVA)
- Input Tax (VAT you can reclaim)
- option to tax
- place of supply (determining where VAT should be accounted for)
- Should I be registered for VAT?
- single market (movements of goods within the EU)
- Tour Operators Margin Scheme (buying and reselling travel, hotel, holiday and certain other services to travellers)
- transfer of a business as a going concern (selling or otherwise transferring a business, or part of a business)
- VAT refunds for EU and overseas businesses
Please note: This list is not exhaustive.