HM Revenue & Customs

Children looked-after by a local authority or Care Trust for eight weeks or more - CH193

*indicates required information

This form is for local authority or Care Trust use only.

Child Benefit usually stops when a child has been 'looked after' by a local authority or Care Trust for eight weeks or more. This means that both of the following apply:

• the child has been provided with or placed in accommodation under Part 3 of the Children Act 1989, Part 2 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 or Part 4 of the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995
• the local authority or Care Trust must also be paying towards the cost of the child's accommodation or upkeep or both from local authority funds, or any other public funds

For example this can be local authority funded residential care, or local authority funded foster, family or friend carers.

This form is to provide information so that entitlement to Child Benefit can be properly decided.

Complete this form as soon as it is clear that the child will be looked after for longer than eight weeks. There is no need to notify the Child Benefit Office if the child is being looked after for less than eight weeks.

If the child is not known by any other names, please enter NONE in the field below.


Is the child looked after because of their disability or illness, or the child's health is likely to be significantly impaired or further impaired if they are not in residential accommodation?
Please enter Yes or No in the box below.

Please enter below the date they started being looked after by the local authority, Health and Social Services Board or trust?


Is any of the cost of their accommodation or maintenance being met from local authority, Health and Social Services Board, trust or any other public funds?
Please enter Yes or No in the box below.

Please enter below the name of the last person the child lived with before being looked after?
If not known, please enter NONE in the field below.

Please enter below the local authority and contact details of the social worker , locum, duty social worker or clerk.

Please enter an email address below, which will be used to acknowledge receipt of this form. This must be your '' or '' (Northern Ireland only) email address.


After you click the 'Next' button you will see a preview page summarising the information you have provided. If this page is not displayed, please use the scroll bar to locate any missing or incorrect entries highlighted in red.