HM Revenue & Customs

Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) - Application & Contact form

*indicates required information

Please use this form if you are applying for an EORI or wish to enquire about an existing EORI number.

If you use this form you agree in principle to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) sending a reply that may include some personal information. This reply will only be sent to the email address that you provide on this form and the personal information will be limited to the VAT Registration Number/EORI number, address and/or postcode.

Although this personal information is normally available in the public domain there is a small risk that the email reply may be intercepted by a third party. This risk is only applicable to replies, as emails sent to HMRC using this form are secure.

Please note: For additional help you can click on the help icons (?) that appear next to various field labels below.


Your details

 Help for VAT Registration or EORI number (If registered): - opens in a new window
 Help for Full name/name of business: - opens in a new window


Contact details

 Help for Position in the business: - opens in a new window


Enquiry details

This section is for you to complete if you have an enquiry regarding your EORI number or an EORI application. Please tell HMRC what your enquiry is about by ticking one of the following boxes.

  •  Help for Query regarding an EORI number already issued - opens in a new window
  •  Help for Query regarding a current EORI number application - opens in a new window
  •  Help for EORI number to register for customs system access - opens in a new window

Please use the space below to outline your enquiry or provide any additional information. (2000 character limit).


After you click the 'Next' button you will see a preview page summarising the information you have provided. If this page is not displayed, please use the scroll bar to locate any missing or incorrect entries highlighted in red.